Garden Landscape Services
Angel Landscapes specialises in low maintenance solutions for today's busy lifestyles for properties in and around Northamptonshire.
We provide a complete range of garden services and virtually any form of soft and hard landscaping you may require.
A summary of our main garden and landscaping services are listed below, but if you cannot see the service you require, please ask, as we can most likely provide it.
Simply call Jed on 01604 870618 or 07742 212604

Garden Landscape Services
Feel free to browse my main services images below and click on them to enlarge. To learn more about what we can do for your garden, contact Angel Landscapes today!
Our services include
as well as
We offer a friendly, reliable and professional landscape service and take great pride in our work, no matter how big or small the job.
We offer several additional services, so if you need assistance on a one-off basis, we are happy to assist. Please call for details.
To learn more about what we can do for your garden, contact Angel Landscapes today!